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Permutation test for gwas object


# S3 method for class 'gwas'
  nperm = 1000,
  reference = "cases",



object of class gwas


elect starting position of snps.


select ending position of snp.


Number of permutations.


reference group of subjects in which we want to perform fisher test


other variables


the output will be a test_snps (data.table) object including 3 columns: “snp_pos”, “case_control”, and “value” which is a p-values.


# \donttest{
piggyback::pb_download(repo = "soroushmdg/gwid",tag = "v0.0.1",dest = tempdir())
#>  All local files already up-to-date!
ibd_data_file <- paste0(tempdir(),"//chr3.ibd")
genome_data_file <- paste0(tempdir(),"//chr3.gds")
phase_data_file <- paste0(tempdir(),"//chr3.vcf")
case_control_data_file <- paste0(tempdir(),"//case-cont-RA.withmap.Rda")
# case-control data
case_control <- gwid::case_control(case_control_rda = case_control_data_file)
names(case_control) #cases and controls group
#> [1] "cases" "case1" "case2" "cont1" "cont2" "cont3"
summary(case_control) # in here, we only consider cases,cont1,cont2,cont3 groups in the study
#>       Length Class  Mode     
#> cases 478    -none- character
#> case1 178    -none- character
#> case2 300    -none- character
#> cont1 477    -none- character
#> cont2 478    -none- character
#> cont3 478    -none- character
case_control$cases[1:3] # first three subject names of cases group
#> [1] "MC.154405@1075678440" "MC.154595@1075642175" "MC.154701@1076254706"
# read SNP data (use SNPRelate to convert it to gds) and count number of minor alleles
snp_data_gds <- gwid::build_gwas(gds_data = genome_data_file,
caco = case_control,gwas_generator = TRUE)
#> [1] "gwas"
#> [1] ""   ""   "snp.pos"  "smp.indx" "smp.snp"  "caco"     "snps"    
head(snp_data_gds$snps) # it has information about counts of minor alleles in each location.
#> Key: <snp_pos>
#>    snp_pos case_control value
#>      <int>       <fctr> <int>
#> 1:   66894        cases   627
#> 2:   66894        case1   240
#> 3:   66894        case2   387
#> 4:   66894        cont1   639
#> 5:   66894        cont2   647
#> 6:   66894        cont3   646
# read haplotype data (output of beagle)
haplotype_data <- gwid::build_phase(phased_vcf = phase_data_file,caco = case_control)
#> [1] "phase"
#> [1] "Hap.1" "Hap.2"
dim(haplotype_data$Hap.1) #22302 SNP and 1911 subjects
#> [1] 22302  1911
# read IBD data (output of Refined-IBD)
ibd_data <- gwid::build_gwid(ibd_data = ibd_data_file,gwas = snp_data_gds)
#> [1] "gwid"
ibd_data$ibd # refined IBD output
#>                              V1    V2                      V3    V4    V5
#>                          <char> <int>                  <char> <int> <int>
#>      1: MC.AMD127769@0123889787     2    MC.160821@1075679055     1     3
#>      2: MC.AMD127769@0123889787     1 MC.AMD107154@0123908746     1     3
#>      3: MC.AMD127769@0123889787     2    9474283-1-0238040187     1     3
#>      4: MC.AMD127769@0123889787     1    MC.159487@1075679208     2     3
#>      5:    MC.163045@1082086165     2    MC.160470@1075679095     1     3
#>     ---                                                                  
#> 377560:    1492602-1-0238095971     2    2235472-1-0238095471     2     3
#> 377561:    4618455-1-0238095900     2    3848034-1-0238094219     1     3
#> 377562:    MC.160332@1075641581     2    9630188-1-0238038787     2     3
#> 377563: MC.AMD122238@0124011436     2    MC.159900@1076254946     1     3
#> 377564: MC.AMD105910@0123907456     1    7542312-1-0238039298     1     3
#>                V6        V7    V8    V9
#>             <int>     <int> <num> <num>
#>      1:  32933295  34817627  3.26 1.884
#>      2:  29995340  31752607  4.35 1.757
#>      3:  34165785  35898774  6.36 1.733
#>      4:  21526766  23162240  8.71 1.635
#>      5:  11822616  13523010  5.29 1.700
#>     ---                                
#> 377560: 194785443 196328849  4.92 1.543
#> 377561: 190235788 192423862  7.77 2.188
#> 377562: 184005719 186184328  5.95 2.179
#> 377563: 181482803 184801115  3.58 3.318
#> 377564: 182440135 183972729  3.03 1.533
ibd_data$res # count number of IBD for each SNP location
#>           snp_pos case_control value
#>             <num>       <fctr> <num>
#>      1:     66894        cases    27
#>      2:     82010        cases    28
#>      3:     89511        cases    29
#>      4:    104972        cases    29
#>      5:    107776        cases    29
#>     ---                             
#> 133808: 197687252        cont3    44
#> 133809: 197701913        cont3    44
#> 133810: 197744198        cont3    44
#> 133811: 197762623        cont3    44
#> 133812: 197833758        cont3    44
# plot count of IBD in chromosome 3
plot(ibd_data,y = c("cases","cont1"),ly = FALSE)

# Further investigate location between 117M and 122M
# significant number of IBD's in group cases, compare to cont1, cont2 and cont3.
plot(ibd_data,y = c("cases","cont1"),snp_start = 119026294,snp_end = 120613594,ly = FALSE)

model_fisher <- gwid::fisher_test(ibd_data,case_control,reference = "cases",
snp_start = 119026294,snp_end = 120613594)
model_permutation <- permutation_test(ibd_data,snp_data_gds,
snp_start = 119026294,snp_end = 120613594,nperm=20,reference = "cases")
#> [1] "test_snps"  "data.table" "data.frame"
plot(model_fisher, y = c("cases","cont1"),ly = FALSE)

hap_str <- gwid::haplotype_structure(ibd_data,phase = haplotype_data,w = 10,
snp_start = 119026294,snp_end = 120613594)
haplo_freq <- gwid::haplotype_frequency(hap_str)
plot(haplo_freq,y = c("cases", "cont1"),plot_type = "haplotype_structure_frequency",
nwin = 1, type = "version1",ly = FALSE)

# }